Civics! An American Musical

Civics! An American Musical
Do your students have what it takes to be the next hit Broadway musical producers? In this free civics learning game, students assume the role of a theater producer adapting true events from United States history to the stage. It’s up to them to analyze primary sources from the Library of Congress to create a new smash Broadway musical hit that is historically accurate and celebrates the power of ordinary citizens in creating change. Students work with different theatrical departments to learn about important aspects of creating a musical, such as costuming, set design, writing, and music. Once all the mini-games are complete, they are rewarded with a scene from their musical on opening night, completely personalized based on the creative choices they made during their game experience.
Play for free now!
Game Development Partners: FableVision, Library of Congress, Maryland Public Television, Maryland Humanities, Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) at Tisch College of Civic Life at Tufts University Devices: All devices running Chrome OS, Windows, Mac OS, Android OS, or iOS | Age Range: Grades 6-8 Standards & Learning Objectives: History, Language and Literacy, Music, Civics |
Watch the trailer below!